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MMI History  Russian Expatriate communities


Yuri Koshkin worked as interpreter and translator after his graduation from MMI in 1980 for one year. In 1981-1983 he served as instructor of Cambodian language at MMI. He then was posted to a unit in the City of Riga (currently the capital of Latvia) until 1987, when he was transferred to the Moscow Education Institute of Foreign Languages (Moris Torez Institute). He worked there as instructor of English Language until his retirement from military service in 1989. He retired as major.

In 1985-1989 he completed a Ph.D. program by correspondence at the Institute of the US and Canadian Studies (Moscow, Russia). His major was contemporary history of the US.

In 1990-1991 he worked as Director of Development for the USSR region with Anthony Potter Productions, Inc. After relocating to the US he was Executive Director for USSR Projects with the PBN Company (1991-1992). He came out as co-founder of Trident Group in 1993 and since then he has served as President and Special Project Consultant of the Group. 

You can find additional information on Yuri Koshkin and Trident Group at their Internet site:


 © Art Shvetsov 2003