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Igor Poliakov interrupted his studies at the Institute in 1989 and studied the Hindi language at Delhi University in Delhi, India, during one year (his third year of degree studies at Military Institute). After graduation in 1992 he served with the Russian Navy's North Fleet as liasion officer until 1995. He was stationed in the City of Murmansk. He retired as captain.

In 1995-1999 worked with several international businesses based in Moscow as research consultant. While there he was responsible for his company's accounts with such multinational corporations as General Electric, Bayer, SmithKline Beecham, Ericsson, Tetra Pack, Lear, SAS. During that period he relocated to Canada. 

After relocating to Canada in 1999 until 2001 he was consecutively employed by two international businesses engaged in marketing research and consulting.


Igor Polyakov. 

Niagara Falls (Canada), Fall of 1999






  © Art Shvetsov 2000-2003